
Chip Design
Time:2017-01-01 View:8394






    Located in Shanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zone, Shanghai Belling becamea state-certified enterprise technology center in 1999. In 2009, fiveministries and commission, including the National Development and ReformCommission, jointly issued the No. 16 Announcement of State-certifiedEnterprise Technology Centers of 2009, recognizing the Technology Center of ShanghaiBelling Co., Ltd. as a branch of CECs Enterprise TechnologyCenter. Shanghai Belling Technology Center passed the latest biennial review in2017. Over the years, the Company has undertaken a number of key projectssupervised by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industryand Information Technology, Shanghai Municipal Development & ReformCommission, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, Shanghai MunicipalCommission of Economy and Informatization, Shanghai Municipal Commission forForeign Economic Relations and Trade. 

    Shanghai Belling Technology Center has complete hardware, software platforms and experimentalequipment for digital and analog circuit development. At present, we havepurchased a great number of advanced testing equipment, such as multi-channellogic analyzers, high-speed oscilloscopes, chip aging test equipment etc. Wehave all sorts of tools including vector signal analyzers, digital multimeters,programmable DC electronic loads, precision LCR meters, wide bandwidthoscilloscopes, network analyzers, RF analog signal generators, digitaloscilloscopes, spectrum signal analyzers, multi-channel data recorders, high-precisionoscilloscopes, movable hot air stations, five-position high-precision watt-hourmeter verification stations, three-phase precision regulated power supplies, vectornetwork analyzers, high temperature reverse bias test boxes, incubators,temperature and humidity alternating test chambers, integration circuithigh-temperature aging test benches, ESD and latch-up effect simulators,digital camera stereo microscopes, thermal shock test chambers, screw aircompressors, infrared microscopes etc.. At the same time, we have purchased alarge number of EDA tools for the development of large-scale IC chips, includinglayout verification, design for testability, simulation and hybrid simulationtools bought from Mentor Graphics, design entry, simulation, physical design,and formal verification tools from Cadence, as well as design for testabilityand formal verification tools from Synopsis, and layout verificationtools from Empyrean.

    We take IC design as our main business and aim to become a first-class supplier ofanalog and hybrid digital-analog integrated circuits in China. With continuousR&D input, our core competitiveness in IC products is constantly growing.Our products fall into five categories, namely smart metering, general-purposeanalog, power management, non-volatile memory and high-speed and high-accuracyADCs, covering consumer electronics, communications, and industrialapplications and other sectors. We have formed a complete supply chain andquality assurance system and are a trusted partner for our customers.

Major recent technological innovations: 

1. We followed closely the developmenttrend of Chinas strategic emerging industries, sped up theadjustment of our product structure, and gradually extended to emergingapplications such as consumer electronics, IoT applications and intelligentmanufacturing etc. 

2. Progress has been made insmart phone cameras, smart sockets, next-generation metering chips, industrialcontrol EEPROMs and other chip product design areas. 

3. We actively participatedin the Industrial Transformation and Upgrading throughIntelligent Manufacturing and Internet +Action Supported andGuaranteed Capacity Project, and developed SoC chips forpower grid detection and control equipment.

Our Core Competitiveness: 

1.     Product and Technology

We use analog anddigital-analog hybrid mainstream process technologies in our product researchand development, including 0.5 micron to 95nanometerCMOS, high-voltage BCD and bipolar circuits and other processes.

2.      System-level Chip Development 

We have been working in thefield of smart meters for more than 10 years. Chips we provide have evolvedfrom single metering chips to system-level chips such as SoC andPLC, and the SoC core has been upgraded from the 8051 architecture to 32-bitARM architecture. We are now basically able to provide clients with full metersolutions and have become the IC supplier that can provide the most varietiesof smart meter products in China. We have started to prepare products that meetthe next-generation State Grid standards and use them to develop thenext-generation smart meters for the overseas smart meter market and new energyapplications. 

3.     Expansionto New Fields and Accumulation of New Technologies

We followed closely the developmenttrend of Chinas strategic emerging industries, sped up theadjustment of our product structure, and gradually extended to emergingapplication areas such as consumer electronics and intelligent manufacturingetc. During the reporting period, progress has been made in smart phonecameras, smart sockets, next-generation metering chips, industrial controlEEPROM, and other chip products.

4.     Core R&D Team Building

We always take a proactiveapproach in talent cultivation. We recruit suitable talents through an internalcompetitive selection process, a process that offers promotion opportunitiesfor outstanding internal staff while at the same time ensures the openness,fairness and equality of management staff selection. We attach great importanceto strengthening the talent echelon construction. During the reporting period,we established Measures for the Managementof Core Shanghai Belling R&D Personnel which will be applied in thetraining and cultivation, promotion, salary adjustment of key employees and theselection of management trainees. We also further expanded our R&D team, withR&D staff of the Technology Center (including subsidiaries) accounting for52.32% of total company employees.