
Shanghai Belling Learning, Promoting and Implementing the Spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress
Time:2017-11-14 View:16614

The 19thCPC National Congress takes a broad and long-term view, defines the developmentdirection and points the way to the future, and is a major milestone in thedevelopment history of the CPC and the country. Under the unified deployment ofHuada Semiconductor’s Party Committee, Shanghai Belling, as led by the Company’sparty committee, started a craze of learning the spirit of the 19thCPC National Congress at all levels of the party committee, politics offices,trade unions and Youth League committee.

On October 18when the 19th CPC National Congress had a grand opening, all partymembers, leading cadres and trade union representatives of the Company watchedthe live coverage of the opening session and listened attentively to Xi Jinpings reportdelivered on the Congress.

OnOctober 25, leading cadres of the Company’s party committee, politics office,trade union and Youth League committee attended the SASAC’s Video Meeting toConvey, Learn, Mobilize and Deploy Spirit of 19th National Congress of CPC& China’s Work Deployment Conference to Learn and Implement the Spirit of 19thNational Congress of CPC. Later on October 31, the Company’s main party andpolitics leaders and representatives of the technology center’s party committee(party-building demonstration base recognized by Shanghai Municipal Commissionof Economy and Informatization) attended the Commission Conference on Conveyingand Passing the Spirit of the 19th National Congress of CPC and listened to CPCrepresentatives’ interpretation of the spirit of the 19th NationalCongress.

Onthe morning of October 31, Professor Wang Lianxiang was invited to the Company todeliver a lecture on “Entering a New Era and Embarking on a New Journey-Studyand Implement the Spirit of the 19th National Congress”, helping Bellingparty members and cadres as well as the general employees to have a open andclear mind in their learning and implementation of the spirit of the 19thNational Congress.

Inaddition to the intensive learning sessions organized by the Company’s partycommittee, party branches of the Company also carried out Party Day activitiesaround the theme of learning the spirit of the 19th NationalCongress. The party, trade union and Youth League organizations of all levels learnedand discussed the spirit of the 19th National Congress throughWeChat learning group and other platforms. After the learning sessions, partymembers and cadres and employees of the Company all said that the Party’s 19thNational Conference had painted a blueprint for China’s future development andthat it had delivered clear-cut, ambitious and inspiring ideas. They expressedthat they would further study the Conference spirits when doing their jobs, wouldmake joint efforts and take a down-to-earth and diligent attitude.

The Company’s party committee headLu Ning emphasized that studying and implementing the spirit of the 19thNational Congress would be the primary political task for the Company’sorganizations at all levels, both at present and in the future. Partyorganizations, party members and cadres must firstly further strengthentheoretical studies, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19thNational Congress, learn the new PartyConstitution, and profoundly comprehend the connotation of the report ofthe 19th National Congress. Secondly, they need to further enhance the “fourconsciousnesses”, improve political, ideological and awareness level throughstudy, deeply appreciate the spiritual essence and rich connotation of XiJinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, andmaintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee inthoughts, politics and actions. Thirdly, they must apply the Party’s generalprinciples of governance to practical work, guide and promote the healthydevelopment of the Company in all aspects and facilitate the smooth operationof Shanghai Belling Center with the spirit of the 19th NationalCongress.