
Application of IC
Time:2017-07-13 View:7629

Application of IC (website: www.appic.com.cn; unified publicationNo.: CN31-1325) is a science and technology academic journal certified by the StateAdministration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and is aprofessional journal for the communication of IC technologies. Founded in 1984,it is issued publicly both in China and abroad and reaches readers all overChina.

Thepurpose of the journal is to present and promote IC applications, and toaccelerate and promote the development and widespread application of microelectronicstechnology. It mainly covers the latest IC developments in China and abroad, ICapplication technologies and cases in all sectors, as well as the marketinformation. With novel and practical content, it focuses on technologycommunication and hopes that readers will benefit from reading it. It wants todo its part in effectively promoting the development and wide application ofChina’s microelectronics technology, and shortening the technology gap with industriallydeveloped countries. 

Sponsor:Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd.

Tel:021-24261143 Fax: 021-64854424


ChiefEditor: Mr. Zhou